"There is nothing more pleasant than cruising on a boat with the whole family."
Letter from Empress Catherine the Great

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving in Grenada

Thanksgiving Day in Grenada was a non-event.  It basically rained all morning until early afternoon, and then the sky was overcast and gray the rest of the day.   At 10:30 we headed into shore and set up shop at the Grenada Yacht Club, a very open and comfortable pavilion type structure with free wifi and a $15 EC daily (eastern Caribbean dollars) lunch special.  That comes to $6 US.
I made lots of skype calls, charged my IPAD, Kindle and laptop batteries.  We had lunch with Manu & Michelle of Teepee who were basically doing the same thing we were...email and skype.
M&M have been with us so often during our time in Grenada and we, of course, know them from our last season here when they hitched a ride with us from St. Martiin to Antigua saving me from having to stand watch on that overnight passage.  We have both grown very fond  of them and they have been quite helpful to us in many ways.
The boating community is unique in my experience, although I do believe that when people are bonded through a common purpose or activity or perhaps a passion, you get to experience the helpfulness one shows another. One really becomes aware of how dependent we are on each other.  We help each other because one day we'll be the one who needs that help!

The day before Thanksgiving was an interesting day.  Roger had to stay on the boat so Wayne (mechanic) and Herve (electronics guy) could continue fixing the engine and our windlass.  Marti picked M&M and me up at the GYC for a trip to Grand Etang, the national rain forest located in the central highlands of the country. But, first a quick trip to the GSPCA (Grenada-ASPCA) to drop off an injured and emaciated dog she had been notified was laying abandoned on the beach.  When it comes to animals, Marti is known as the go-to person.  She, as expressed before in these postings, is a person to be admired to put it mildly!
In addition to the rain forest, where last season we had monkeys eating out of our hands...but not this time, we drove to Annandale Falls where we saw the "Annandale Jumpers" and swam ourselves.

  And, there was a monkey for hire....$5EC for a little shoulder action.

Then it was back to the GYC, to the dink and back to the boat which, it turned out, was quite wet from the side hatches being left accidentally open during a downpour.

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