"There is nothing more pleasant than cruising on a boat with the whole family."
Letter from Empress Catherine the Great

Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 12 - 18 -- Our First Week of Living Aboard ILENE

June 12 was the Sunday of our debarcation in Galveston and flight homeward to Laguardia, but a hairy start due to a four hour weather delay caused a 10 pm landing in NY. A gypsy cab driver rescued us from the long regular taxi line and got us to City Island by the deadline: 11 pm, when the launch stops operating for the night. It would have been a cold swim to ILENE, especially because high winds had made the waters choppy. But we made it on time and in the morning we took the trusty B-29 bus and Lex. Ave number Six train to our apartment, while our guests and cat sitters were at work. There we loaded the felines and more stuff into our pre-loaded mini SUV and drove it back to City Island. The furballs were especially well behaved and rapturously happy, each going to his or her favorite nook or cranny in the boat. They had not been here since last August, almost ten months ago. They are happy campers and who says cats don't have memories!

The first two nights were cold and bouncy but the rest of the week was warm, pleasant and dry. Lovely al fresco dining in the cockpit on Lene's home cooked meals.

We won't have to worry about midnight, like Cinderella, once we get our dink up and running. And a lot of time was spent this week in trying to get that to happen, with no luck at week's end. I got (and surely needed) help from Launch Operator Dan in getting the dink moved from the upstairs locker to the end of the dock. It is aluminum and much lighter in weight than fiberglass ones, but a very awkward twisting path down a curving staircase. I was pumped to pump her up with both pump and hose, but then spent the next four hours in a frustrating unsuccessful search for the adapter from the far end of the hose to the valves of the pontoons. Then ordered another which did not arrive at the Club until week's end. During the interval I used Aerospace Protectant 303 to clean off the dirt and smudges. It acts on the Hypalon fabric like a leather conditioner does on leather. Soon this will be done. And from now on I will keep that adapter in an air filled Baggie in the nav station when not in use.

But the problem with this week was that all of the other six days were like the first -- NO SAILING!!!  Living aboard is supposed to facilitate sailing but one or both of us went in to NYC every day this week with medical appointments, appointments with other professionals, classes, social engagements, and more work in getting the boat ready for living aboard. Monday morning we had to have breakfast at the Diner, but we did go for propane and provisions and gradually she is becoming comfortable. Eventually we will break free of the grip of the talons of "the harpies of the shore" and metamorphose into the Eagle of the Sea.

I was especially sad to miss sailing with the Old Salts on Wednesday. I had lunch with them, but I had to pick up the birthday cake from the Pelham Bakery for that night's annual social event among the members of my book club and their wives. Saturday was the Testimonial Dinner for the outgoing President of my Synagogue, and I recalled that that function was held for me at the end of my two year term, 30 years ago in June 1986! Time flies. I'm not complaining about having too much fun, but it has not included sailing yet.

Two other disturbing things have been that (1) the head colds (cough, runny nose and sore throat) we developed on the Cruise ship are still with us, compelling us to sleep in separate beds, and (2)  my planning for the Harlem's annual Club Cruise has not met with a universally enthusiastic response. In fact, no one signed up for the 16 day version so I have introduced Plan B, a seven day trip consisting of the first and last three days of Plan A, with a crossing of the sound from Branford CT to Mt. Sinai, Long Island. I told the Harlemites that unless two other boats sign up to come along, I will simply call for a few two day, "out and back", weekends away, and that they should also feel free to sail with ILENE for all or part of our August in Massachusetts (also known now as Plan D). One way or the other, we will go sailing this summer!!!

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