"There is nothing more pleasant than cruising on a boat with the whole family."
Letter from Empress Catherine the Great

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Catch Up

Its been a while, friends, but not much good has happened. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been horrible BUT....life during the past few days has been trying.
After that wonderful meal we spoke about on Saturday night, Roger awoke at 3 AM with nausea, a terrible headache and chills. The boat was so warm and I had to put 2 blankets over him just to get him comfortable. Anyone who knows Rojay understands that complaining is the LAST thing he will do. It was scary! He woke up on Sunday feeling weak and tired, but the chills were gone and the headache had abated. But, he was going to the bathroom about every hour and eliminating solid waste that wasn't so solid. (its hard to figure out how to write about such a subject and not be totally gross)
The 24 hours of Sunday were spent on the boat. Roger slept and went to the bathroom. That was his life and I'm sharing it with him, and with all of you. His headache came and went and he had chills again but they only lasted only a short while. We are very grateful that one of our friends here, Bill Donaldson of "Lucille" is a retired physician and was so helpful and comforting. Bill assured us that the medical care here on the French side is excellent so on Monday we went to the ER of the local hospital. We waited more than 3 hours to be seen and the doctor, whose English was OK but not great, gave Roger some medicine for his stomach and a prescription for a cat scan the next day at another facility. The bill for all of this, btw, was 27 euros. Can you imagine what it would be in the states? Roger has medicare but his coverage does not extend out of the US.
We got back to the boat Monday at about 7 PM. I ate (Roger is looking as thin as he must have looked when he was a kid) some dinner and we were asleep by 9 PM. That, btw, isn't unusual. I think they call it "Sailors Midnight" which means asleep at dusk and up at dawn which is what our usual routine is. It is rare for me to be asleep past 6 AM and I am usually up before then. Whitty and Alpha Girl must be fed! They demand it in many noisy ways.
So, the end of the saga is that Roger did not go for the cat scan. His headache is gone but he does continue to be in the bathroom frequently. The BIG problem now is that neither of our heads are working. So, as I write this update sitting at a cafe still in Port Royale on St. Martin, Roger is back on the boat doing some awfully dirty and smelly work!
Yesterday, Tuesday, was a good day as we went over to the Dutch side and picked up our new and beautiful dinghy and engine. You might grasp by the previous paragraph that I took the dinghy to shore by myself!
We had lunch yesterday with Bill & Sandy from "Lucille" while we waited for the dinghy to be inflated and got some insight into our future destinations. Roger will fill you in on those.
Love to all, Ilene


  1. Ouch! Roger must be sore...Do they make a bidet for that Saga? Be careful what you eat.

  2. Hope that Roger feels better soon. He deserves a medal for working on a smelly situation when his stomach isn't well to begin with, our sympathies.
