"There is nothing more pleasant than cruising on a boat with the whole family."
Letter from Empress Catherine the Great

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Hi....well, she's home. I was able to bring her home last night and although it isn't easy (she's got one of those collars on because she goes for the sutures when she doesn't have it on and that is a big NO NO) she is doing really, really well!

For those of you who don't know the latest, one of our cats ate a penny and I think it happened while we were in Virginia awaiting Roger's departure for the Caribbean. I arrived home on November 2nd and noticed she was throwing up and unable to keep food down and clearly in distress. These symptoms became worse and worse and sometimes she was even playful and affectionate so it was tricky. I thought she was upset because cats can be so intuitive and I was readying us for our departure on the 17th. Bottom line is on Tuesday the 16th we had an X-Ray taken of her belly and you could see it clear as day...she had swallowed a coin. The vet said we had to operate immediately and so she did. It was a penny lodged in her small intestine and indeed part of the organ had already died so we know it had been caught in there for a while.

So, again, the good news is she is home and only wants to play, groom, eat and poop. I am so happy to see her healthy again and we are now scheduled to join Roger on Wednesday the 24th. I miss him very, very much. It doesn't feel like a family without him and I really miss that.
The picture above has nothing to do with this post but I don't know how to get rid of it so there it stays. Once we get down to Tortola Roger and I will figure the whole picture/video thing out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ilene! Val and Alex here! Glad kitty is OK! we are eagerly following your adventures. Alex has applied early decision to NYU. Keep your fingers crossed. Have great fun on your adventure!
