"There is nothing more pleasant than cruising on a boat with the whole family."
Letter from Empress Catherine the Great

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

From Home

Yes, after a surprisingly easy 8+ hour train ride I arrived home...snuggled with Whitty & Alpha Girl...watched a bit of TV and slept. It was great to read how much Roger is accomplishing and that he misses me. Maybe I wasn't as bitchy as I felt I was? Ah...always room for improvement.
Today is day 1 of my interim stay at home and involves taking cats to vet for final visit before we "import" them into the BVI's. I learned I'd better be very nice and very polite to the officials in the BVI because they can act pretty much as they want. There is little official recourse if one feels one is being treated unfairly. I plan on calling the Department of Agriculture at least twice from here and try and make a friend who will help me if the custom agent in the airport decides he, or she, doesn't want two more cats on the island.
I'll head to the Post Office and make arrangements for the mail to be sent to Roger's brother, Allen, in Atlanta who will receive weekly forwardings from the PO and keep us abreast of any mail looking like it needs our attention. And, I will be getting a long overdue haircut.
With that..adieu.

1 comment:

  1. Ilene and Roger: I am enjoying your blog and will check it with anticipation as the weeks and months go by. The "his and hers" approach works well and I like the tone, personal and "the facts, mam, nothing but the facts". They compliment each other.

    Also, I wrote about your trip on my blog last week. www.sailpandora.blogspot.com. I only wish that I had more to write about. With Pandora on the hard, it's tough.

    Travel safe.

